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The information about an artist or album on AllMusic is incorrect.

Album reviews, musician biographies, factual information about credits, birthdates and birthplaces, charts and album covers come from our data provider, Xperi (formerly known as TiVo).

You may submit artist- and album-related corrections to Xperi editors using Submit Corrections links available at the bottom of artist and album pages, and corrections related to other types of data via our feedback form. Xperi prides themselves on accuracy, so please include your information source in your submission.

Please do not contact AllMusic about the status of data corrections; we don't control which data is corrected or how long it takes to apply corrections, and we can't move up your correction in priority or within a specific time frame. Xperi appreciates the time you take to send this information to them, but due to the immense volume of correspondence they receive, they're unable to directly respond to most of your submissions.