Album Premiere: CHAPPO, 'Do It'

CHAPPO - photo by Drew Reynolds

By Chris Steffen

Feb. 20, 2018

​Brooklyn trio CHAPPO rebounds from tragedy with its third album, Do It, which is filled with upbeat anthems of perseverance and honors the pursuit of passion. While the band's first two albums, Moonwater and Future Former Self, exuded a carefree buoyancy, their latest adds a contemplative spirit, inspired by the untimely deaths of a family member and a close friend.

"We were not always certain at times that we were going to be able to complete it," wrote singer and songwriter Alex Chappo. "With life, there is love and loss and it can be intense and traumatic. Then there is what you do with those experiences that have changed you. Do you lean into love or into the pain? Do It is for all those people who find a way to keep going and remain vigilant as they pursue their passion, even when the journey seems insurmountable."

Do It is due out on February 23, and will be available digitally and on vinyl.

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